Financial Donations
We need your help
Living Choices Community Support division, needs you support to continue to operate.
If you would like to partner with us by making a donation .
There are three way you can donate to us
By making a one off donation through our bank account details
Click here for Bank Account detailsBy making a one off or a re-occurring donation by filling out the credit card form
Click here to make a Credit card donation of any amountFast Donate - Please note: There is a 2.5% credit card charge on each transaction
$20.00 | |
$50.00 | |
$500.00 |
$100.00 | |
$1000.00 |
$250.00 | |
Thank you
This is what enable this charity to continue to serve you and the community
For your information:
At the end of the financial tax year, everyone who is a New Zealand income earner and has made a donation to the Mountain Meadows Charitable Trust, (of an amount greater than $5), will be sent a special 'Tax Exemption Claim' receipt. This is a summary of all the donations made to MMCT from the 1st April to the 31st March of the current year. This special receipt complies with government regulations.
For this to happen we must have your name and mailing address or email address. If we do not have this information we can not send you a receipt.